Guest post by Gwen Payne of

Becoming a new parent and a business owner at the same time might seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right resources, you can take on these dual roles without adding stress to your life. Think about how you can integrate parenthood with entrepreneurship; look for tools that will help you stay organized and on task while ensuring that your child is well taken care of at the same time. Here are a few tips that will help you stay on track as a new parent and as an entrepreneur.

Make running your business easier

Business owners have a lot on their plates, but you can make your biggest responsibilities a little less stressful by utilizing certain resources. Obtaining an EIN, or employer identification number, will help you easily manage your payroll taxes and give you peace of mind that you’re legally covered with the IRS whether you pay taxes annually or quarterly.

Create multiple routines

Once you have peace of mind regarding your legal responsibilities, think about your daily routines and how they might be improved with a few small changes. Whether you want to reduce your stress, get more rest, or find more time to spend with your child, there are several things you can do to manage your time more efficiently. Utilize apps to stay on track with your daily goals and appointments, and create some routines both at work and at home that will give you and your child structure. Not only will this help with things like getting better sleep or eating healthy, it can help you avoid feelings of chaos and anxiety when a busy day comes along.

Make time for yourself

No matter how structured your days are, it can be extremely challenging to find time for yourself. Caring for a child and running a business are two demanding activities that can lead to exhaustion and burnout pretty quickly without a little self-care, so it’s crucial to carve time out of your schedule to do something that’s just for you. While it’s a great idea to take up a relaxing hobby or practice a body care routine that helps you feel better, you can also think smaller; simply sitting with a cup of hot tea during a quiet moment at home rather than scrolling through your phone or answering emails can help you recharge.

Give yourself the right tools

Taking care of multiple tasks and still finding time for yourself isn’t easy if you don’t have the right tools. Try setting up a safe, comfortable spot for your child near your desk or work area so you’ll have easy access to one another, and consider utilizing freelancers or contractors who can take some of the workload off your shoulders. You can also look for helpful tech that will assist you with everything from household chores to taking care of the family dog. You can also look for tools online that can help you streamline various aspects of your business. For example, sending out regular invoices will ensure you get paid on time, so use a tool that can help you with generating online invoices. This can help you save both time and money on premium services.

As a new parent and entrepreneur, you may feel pulled in many different directions at once. Taking time out of your day to care for yourself and make sure your routines serve your best interest will go a long way toward helping you be the best you can be in every capacity.

Photo via Pexels